Monday, March 1, 2010

okay I have totally neglected my blog... sorry!!

A new month, a new day, a new week. And still in pursuit of the new me! I am down
7lbs!! Not as drastic as the first 2 weeks but still persuing the ultimate goal. My skinny self is still not quite within reach, but the fact that I am still losing is good enough for me. I have changed my thinking too. It have thought back to those moments in life when I was satisfied with my body. That would have to be high school and college days. When I was active! I am ready for the warmer weather so that I can resume running. I love it when I can get it in. I also began thinking, it took me 3 1/2 years to put this weight is going to take some time to take it off. I have managed to lose weight all while celebrating 4 birthdays, and girl scout cookie season!!! That is a victory all in itself!

Weight watchers meals and yogurts are easy. I can eat a yogurt for breakfast and a soup for lunch and have only used a total of 1-2 points! That leaves me some room to eat whatever I fix for dinner. I do use all ground turkey these days and not ground beef. I have switched to whole grain breads if I eat a sandwich or peanut butter bread. I try and balance any carb with a protein. I learned that when I had gestational diabetes. The only carbs I eat alone are fresh fruit. I try to snack on apples or bananas.

Okay so last night I totally cheated...I ate a 1 point yogurt for dinner so that I could eat a double doozie for dinner! And it was awesome.

I am in desperate need of some physical exercise and am not getting it. Okay yes so I teach dance, unfortunately all my classes, except for 2 are in the final stages of dance competition...therefore I am sitting and watching instead of dancing with them. My preshcool and primary give me an hour each of constant motion but it is just enough to break a sweat.

I will try and do better with the posting...but I am not making any promises. Life gets pretty crazy around here.

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