Monday, June 28, 2010

The challenge is on!!

I totally signed myself up to do a 5k this weekend!!! I think I may have lost my ever lovin mind, but I am running...or walking mostly at this point! I have 4 weeks to get my fat self in gear! 3.1 miles doesn't sound so bad, until I begin running in 91 degree weather! Then I get mad at myself because I cannot run the designated amount to begin my training, so I double it with the walking...2 days later, 8 miles under my belt and my legs are killing me! I am in it for the long haul though, even if it kills me! I like a challenge and am ready to tackle this one head on! Wish me luck and new shoes...I am off and running!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Free is fabulous...down 5 and counting!!1

The blog here as seen some serious neglect. I often forget what life throws at me when I am trying to watch what I eat and try and fit in some exercise. CHAOS...the one constant in my life now. Other than God of course. There is something to be said for those who are diligent in their diet and exercise routines. I personally, am not! Woops. I have determined after many trial and much error, that cheating is not something that I can induldge in. I must be crazy but eating a can of tuna fish for lunch with one peice of string cheese and a box of raisins is working. I try and eat protein only for breakfast. Then dinner time is whatever I make and have tried to make better choices for me and my family. Of course with summer in full swing, the grill is my favorite kitchen tool. And yes, I can use it. Not just my husband! Fresh fruit and veggies abound and have been fully stocked in my kitchen for several weeks now. I am in my favorite food heaven!

My ever so kind sister in law and brother just gave me an eliptical that they no longer wanted. I am hoping that adding a different form of exercise will begin shedding more weight. I really like running and wish that I could fit it in more. I should get up early and get it in...but I don't and I am enjoying the fact that my alarm clock is off for 2 months! I made it for 30 minutes tonight and hope that I can acutally walk tomorrow...

Well here is to keeping on keeping on...I am on again and off again but still trying to make healthy choices. I want to be an example to my children. My choice to eat right and exercise may in fact encourage them to be better at all they do. Oh and ps...I ate no cake at the 3 graduation parties, 2 birthday parties and a wedding! I do have self control, it just got lost somewhere along the way!

Monday, March 29, 2010

On your mark...get set...GO!!

Yikes...I started running again today. It was rough! But I went and that is more than I have done since September! Sad but true. My weight is about the same, no change which is better than a gain. I just wish there was some loss. I haven't been as dedicated every single day. I am doing okay, but have my moments of pure weakneass. I love the warmer weather and the opportunity to be out in it. I am shopping smarter and if it isn't here, I cannot eat it. The hard part is if you get busy or are running late and have created a family that is ready to eat at 6:00...sometimes fast food and pizza are what we end up with. I am committed to this and will continue one day at a time. I know that I may fail somedays and others I will succeed. My goal is not to be high school skinny again. I would have to begin dancing 5 days a week again! And let's face it, after 2 pregnancies and 3 babies, there is no way I can move like that with out leaking just a little....hahaha! My goal is to be healthy and to be able to wear the clothes hanging in my closet! I want to feel sexy and pretty and not be worried about a muffin top hanging over my pants.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Coke is a drug!

Yeah I said it...and you know that I totally mean Coke-a-Cola and not cocaine! Although the latter is true as well.

After a weekend of the best diet ever...competition time to leave the convention center for anything. No time to stop and eat anyway and when I wanted to eat, concession stand food was NOT what I desired. So I survived the weekend on $4.00 cokes. Nope no diet coke for me...yuck! I even refrained from the king size reese's peanut butter cups...Now that is discipline! On the way home we stopped to eat real food. Our stop at the Olive Garden, which is not my favorite restaurant, I opted for the grilled salmon with steamed broccoli. That being said. I rocked that weekend.

This week, I was not so good. I continued with the cokes and know that they make me feel good during the moment, but regret it for the rest of the day. Being that I was gone for the previous weekend, I never made it to the grocery store and as a result, we had pizza, zaxby's, french fries, girl scout cookies, even a double doozie etc...! Now I am feeling lousy! I have had heart burn, which I used to only get when I was pregnant...oh wait, I weighed this when I was pregnant. I have to be honest and say that I have not gotten on the scale this week. I just know that I can feel a difference in how I feel. I began today eating better again. I did okay during the daytime, but dinner was and is often my downfall.

A minor set back, but on the whole, I am down 8 lbs total since I began. I am afraid to see how much I put on this week so I chose to remain ignorant. What we don't know won't hurt us right!

Here is to a minor set back and future weight loss, cause summer is around the corner and I am fairly certain that I will not be able to squeeze into any shorts that I currently own!

Monday, March 1, 2010

okay I have totally neglected my blog... sorry!!

A new month, a new day, a new week. And still in pursuit of the new me! I am down
7lbs!! Not as drastic as the first 2 weeks but still persuing the ultimate goal. My skinny self is still not quite within reach, but the fact that I am still losing is good enough for me. I have changed my thinking too. It have thought back to those moments in life when I was satisfied with my body. That would have to be high school and college days. When I was active! I am ready for the warmer weather so that I can resume running. I love it when I can get it in. I also began thinking, it took me 3 1/2 years to put this weight is going to take some time to take it off. I have managed to lose weight all while celebrating 4 birthdays, and girl scout cookie season!!! That is a victory all in itself!

Weight watchers meals and yogurts are easy. I can eat a yogurt for breakfast and a soup for lunch and have only used a total of 1-2 points! That leaves me some room to eat whatever I fix for dinner. I do use all ground turkey these days and not ground beef. I have switched to whole grain breads if I eat a sandwich or peanut butter bread. I try and balance any carb with a protein. I learned that when I had gestational diabetes. The only carbs I eat alone are fresh fruit. I try to snack on apples or bananas.

Okay so last night I totally cheated...I ate a 1 point yogurt for dinner so that I could eat a double doozie for dinner! And it was awesome.

I am in desperate need of some physical exercise and am not getting it. Okay yes so I teach dance, unfortunately all my classes, except for 2 are in the final stages of dance competition...therefore I am sitting and watching instead of dancing with them. My preshcool and primary give me an hour each of constant motion but it is just enough to break a sweat.

I will try and do better with the posting...but I am not making any promises. Life gets pretty crazy around here.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fat Tuesday!

So in my was my FAT TUESDAY! I blew it in every sense of the word today. It all began with 2, yes 2, chocolate glazed doughnuts. Then to lunch after church with the fam, at Moe's. I had a steak, cheese, rice and lettuce. I had a few chips, but did not have the cheese dip. I did however have a real coke with several refills...Then a lovely dinner at home. Baked talapia, broiled shrimp dipped in melted butter, steamed spinach, rice, strawberries (that yes, I dipped and covered in chocolate-YUMMM). I ended it all with a cupcake!

I feel lousy. I am back on tomorrow in full swing. I will not be participating in the infamous fat Tuesday feast this week and will move straight into the lenten season. What am I giving up? I am not yet sure. Since I have given up so many unhealthy things I now realize that not only do they make me feel bad, but it changes my attitude. I never realized that it directly related to my mood, but after a day with little water, I can absolutely tell a difference in how uncomfortable I am. So back to the grind. I am down 5 still and don't want to backtrack. One day of binging was enough for me.

Oh and Happy Fat Valentines! haha!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Weekend, failure or success!!!

So the truth be told, the weekend is most often my downfall. I try and take some time off from cooking and cleaning and do what is easy. So how did I fair??? Well Friday was the snow day that we wait for for many years. I enjoyed every minute of it. I ate 2 small sausage buscuits for breakfast. Not great but not awful either in the weight loss world. Then skipped snacks and went straight to lunch. I ate some leftover baked ziti. I used whole grain pasta and turkey. Then the snow began to fall right before Avery got off the bus! We had a grand time getting cold and wet. Snowball fights and attepmting a snowman. We gave up because it was mostly dirt and we decided to wait until Saturday. I did have a delicious cup of hot chocolate after we came in. Dinner, okay I couldn't change it. Friday night is pizza night here at our house and I truely love pizza. So I had 2 peices of pepperoni, with tea sweetened with Splenda! No coke! Saturday was a great day! I got up and made a 2 egg omlet with cheese. Weight watchers yogurt for lunch. Then I got Zaxby's for dinner...I got a salad, not the chicken fingers I sooooo love! I am happy to announce that as of today I am down 5 pounds!!! Yay me! It is so far all related to portion control. I know that it won't come off as quickly after this week of period and antibiotics, but it sure is nice to begin on a high! Now I am even more encouraged and hop that tomorrow, Valentines day, I can be good! I did get some cupcakes for dessert, but also got some strawberries! I will be good, I will be good, I think I can, I think I can...Wish me luck!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Well I did okay today...

So the morning began with a bowl of grape nuts with honey on them. Warm and yummy. Water to drink since I am out of my favorite hot tea. Then on to lunch where I had my weight watchers soup. Chicken with wild rice and veggies. They are right tastey I might add. I did have 2 diet cokes today. Snack time was a some string cheese and a handful of glazed almonds. Dinner...Arby's...So I decided to forgo the favorite deep fried potatoe cakes and had just the roast beef sandwich, no soda, just water! I also treated myself to a red heart shaped lollipop. A little valentines treat. So not a great day in the world of dieting, but not the worst either. I did turn down a chocolate cookie offered to me by one of my students tonight. There is where my downfall tends to stem from, a little here and there may not hurt, but it is most definately not helping the cause so why even bother!!

I Know that this is a dull and short one, but I am spent! I am feeling better though.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

and so I ate some chocolate ice cream!

So after a busy morning, a yummy breakfast of whole grain bread with peanut butter and banana slices and some hot tea. I headed off to bible study. Where I spent some much needed time with my ladies and my God! It was good like always.

I have had some time to contemplate some things. I always swore I would never be that mom that lived in sweats and my hair in a pony tail. Well my motto these days is the baggier the better! I have completely left the woman's department and moved on the to the men's sweats. Let's face it, the have more belly room and pockets! Nor do they cling to my unsightly mid section that I am so appalled by. They are way roomier in the backside as well so I can wear my granny panties, (which I also swore I would NEVER own!) and be totally and completely comfortable.

But the last 2 days I have done well. I decided today that since I wasn't that hungry at lunch I would opt for yogurt. And I snacked on some string cheese and a handfull of almonds. I have increased my water intake as well and am noticing a significant difference in how I feel at the end of the day. Then I baked some chicken and served it with corn, steamed broccoli and pasta with parmesean cheese. I made my portions the same size as the kids for the pasta and used 1/4 of the plate to fill with vegies and protein. I did actually have 2 small scoops if chocolate ice cream. Ant they were worth every calorie I saved today! It was almost heavenly.

So tomorrow will be the true test, when I step on the scale. I was blessed this week with my period and a prescription for augmentin which is tough on the as a result, I was down 2 pounds as of yesterday! Now if I could get the cough to go away the exercise portion will begin!

Losing it one day and one pound at a time!

Monday, February 8, 2010

So day 2 for me is always easy. I am motivated and raring to go. I can feel those inches slip away. HA! Well there will be many successes and failures. My minor failure for the day was the piece of left over red velvet cake from the birthday party this weekend. It was a small piece and I did VERY well with the rest of my menu.

*weight watchers yogurt with some grape nuts mixed in, with water

*handful of salted almonds, oh and the downfall of the red velvet cake! With water

*weight watchers frozen entree with alfredo and broccoli, with a diet coke with splenda

*banana and 2 saltine crackers with peanut butter

*1/2 grilled cheese sandwich, pickle, and weight watchers italian soup, with water

All and all a prett successful day. I did not get a work out in. I should have done something on the TV...Or made the boys go ride their scooters while I walked/ran.

Nothing exciting to deal with today, but knowing that I am posting things on the world wide web is pretty good motivation. I may not have many followers yet but lets see how I do on the long term.

The day ended with me not feeling fatter, not feeling guilty because of what I ate and I started my period, so there is a good 2 pounds right there right? One can wish! My goal is to be able to wear a bathing suit this summer and not be the one that people think should NOT be out in public. (Thankfully we have 2 swimming pools in the family so the public pool is not someplace we frequent!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

step on the scale...

Today I went to my local urgent care center to diagnose my sinus infection that has been plaguing me for almost 2 weeks now. I knew that they would ask me to step up on the scale, as they always do when you are triaged. However, nothing could have prepared me for the numbers that I saw glaring back at me. 173.6 lbs........I followed that with a much higher than normal blood pressure, which I promptly blamed on the psuedefed PE I had taken. Knowing full well that the dramatic rise in my blood pressure was in fact the direct result of the recent tipping of the scale.

So now begins my new journey. In this world of instant gratification, I find it much easier to eat what ever I find appealing at the moment and not acutally contemplating the results or should I say weight gain that will follow. I see people, even complete strangers and find myself immediately looking at their mid-sections to see if they look better or worse than me. Twisted I know, but I know that I am not looking my best.

I am a mother of 3, a wife of one, and 2 dogs, 8 fish, a house, a dance teacher, a Mary Kay consultant and huge extended family leaves me aching for something that is mine and only mine. For whatever reason, I have chosen food and shopping. I rely on those moments to take me back to when I was younger and resposible for so much less. It doesn't make it right, but it is why I think I do it. I have days when going to the bathroom is not even a private moment. So often I find my guilty pleasures in something sweet, or a cheeseburger, a coke, anything that is completely mine, that I don't have to share and no one can tell me I can't have it.

You know things are out of hand when you leave to shop around meal times so that you can get some sort of fast food and eat it in the car alone. I am at an impass and can no longer fit into the fat pants and let's face it, I don't want to know what the skinny jeans look like on me now. It is no longer normal for me to see slender woman that are my age with children, whom I instantly despise because they are thin. That was me once upon a time. I was the skinny one. Now I am the total and complete opposite of skinny.

Tomorrow will begin a day of better choices with each meal. Maybe joining weight watchers, or some other weight loss type program. All I know is, I can not continue on at this pace. I want the old skinny me back. And yes, I realize that I will never be high school skinny again, but I can get healthy again. I must find something else to replace the feeling that I need to have something that is only mine, food is not it!

Join me on my journey as I share my highs and lows, my successes and my failures. I know the road ahead will be bumpy and have lots of turns and hills. I am ready to conquer this and move on to a better place for myself and for my family.